At Kaleidoscope Group and The Kaleidoscope Foundation we realize business and personal ambition and talents through building more diverse teams and inclusive cultures. Benefits include fresh team approaches and embrace of more than 23% of the global population.
Equality Policy Statement
The Kaleidoscope Group & The Kaleidoscope Foundation create international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. Working effectively with diversity is an essential part of this. Our Equality Policy commits us to ensuring that there is no unjustified discrimination in the recruitment, retention, training, and development of staff on the basis of age, disability, gender including transgender, HIV/AIDS status, marital status including civil partnerships, pregnancy and maternity, political opinion, race/ethnicity, religion and belief, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, spent convictions, trade union activity or membership, work pattern, on the basis of having or not having dependants, or on any other grounds which are irrelevant to decision-making.
Our Equality Policy takes account of relevant legal standards. We aim to abide by and promote equality legislation by following both the letter and the spirit of it in this area. We try to avoid unjustified discrimination which we recognise is a barrier to equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights.
Kaleidoscope Group & The Kaleidoscope Foundation are committed to:
- understanding, valuing, and working constructively with diversity to enable fair and full participation in our work and activities.
- ensuring that there is no unjustified discrimination in our recruitment, selection, performance management and other processes.
- ensuring action that promotes equality; this includes conducting equality screening and impact assessments of policies and functions and progressing diversity action plans.
- treating individuals with whom we work with fairness, dignity, and respect.
- playing our part in removing barriers and redressing imbalances caused by inequality and unjustified discrimination.
All staff are required to ensure their behaviour is consistent with this policy. We also require that clients, customers, partners, and suppliers be made aware of this policy and operate within it.
Kaleidoscope Group & The Kaleidoscope Foundation will endeavour to review the policy at least every three years to help ensure it reflects good practice and new legal and regulatory developments covered by The Disability, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Reports.
Our Equality Policy, which is linked to our values, and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy informs and covers our dealings with clients, customers, partners and suppliers, as well as our staff and contractors.
Equality is about treating people fairly, impartially and without bias and creating conditions in the workplace and wider society that encourage and value diversity and promote dignity and inclusion. This involves trying to redress past imbalances and respond in culturally sensitive ways, through a differentiated approach, where necessary and appropriate.
Our Equality Policy originates from the United Kingdom (UK) because Kaleidoscope Group and The Kaleidoscope Foundation are a team and charity headquartered in the UK:
- “Our vision is to help shape a world where we see no difference in ’different’ and where every disabled person is given a fair opportunity to realise their full potential and find purpose”.
The policy applies in the UK and globally wherever local conditions allow. Where practices and legislation are more developed and extensive, we aim to meet these. All staff irrespective of their work base are required to ensure their behaviour conforms with the policy which supports the fundamental human right of every person not to be unjustifiably discriminated against.
This policy forms part of our Code of Conduct and is referred to within it to support compliance and the management of risk. It has the full support of the Kaleidoscope Group Board & Board of Trustees, the Chief Executive, and Investors, Sponsors and Partners.
Valuing Diversity
We implement our Equality Policy through our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy. Diversity is an inclusive concept concerned with creating an environment supported by practices which benefit the organisation and all those who work in and with it. It takes account of the fact that people, whilst similar in many ways, differ including (but not exclusively) based on gender, age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability, mental capacity, religion and belief, education, economic status, personality, communication style and approaches to work.
Understanding, valuing, and effectively managing these differences can result in greater participation that can lead to benefits and success at an individual, team, organisational and wider societal level. Unquestionably, it strengthens cultural relations and supports trust between people in different countries.
All advertisements & opportunities through Kaleidoscope Group and The Kaleidoscope Foundation should reflect our commitment to equality through the following indicative statements:
“Kaleidoscope Group and The Kaleidoscope Foundation are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.”
“We always welcome applications and support from all sections of the community.”
“We guarantee and support an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria.”
What is Diversity and Inclusion
- Equality & Diversity & Inclusion add new skills to teams of staff and a greater sales opportunity, profitably.
- Diversity in the workplace promotes innovation and engages the senses driving solutions and sales.
- Diversity and Inclusion opens business up to new markets.
- Valuing diversity, equality, and inclusion as part of a one world, 1 blood colour approach improves your brand and service reputation bringing appeal to recruitment and sales globally.
- Diversity Management opens to new talent and greater communication, in the home, office and communities.
What is The Equality and Diversity Audit
Diversity and Quality Audits provide a powerful means of shaping your diversity, equality and inclusion allowing the creation of a more positive and cohesive embracing environment & commercial operation. Such an Audit would provide a more holistic view of your organisation in terms of diversity, equality, and inclusion, allowing the creation of a honed diversity strategies that deliver targeted benefits to your organisation and workforce as well as your customer base.
How Can a Business Benefit From Diversity & Inclusion
- Many benefits to business staff and customers bringing profitability.
- Give fair and equal opportunities to different people, tapping into new skills, ideas, and visions that can be brought to team success.
- Identify, embrace, and innovate for gaps in the market for products and services because of lack of representation within companies of team members from different communities who have experienced certain challenges.
- Diverse teams have been shown to be more innovative and creative in solving problems, creating new ways of doing things and even building business success, more profitably. Any strategy that can take hold of ideas and realise them company wide is going to benefit moving forward in retention, growth, sales, and profitability.
At Kaleidoscope Group, we offer expert training, knowledge and guidance on all thing’s disability. From Kaleidoscope Recruitment for employers and employees to Kaleidoscope Advisory for a company-wide review assessing policies, practices, recruitment and hiring processes, leadership, monitoring, engagement and physical / environmental accessibility. Along with Kaleidoscope Investments in which we help grow disabled entrepreneurs and businesses originating from a disabled person. Contact us today with any questions you have.