You are invited, will we do business?
Please register your place at http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/disabled-entrepreneurs-conference-tickets-17258001146
Kaleidoscope Investments is a company that invests in people with disabilities or special needs that have business ideas. We will provide an infrastructure and mentors around the business and assist it with growth throughout the duration of its life cycle. We have no upfront fees or charge
Following the success of our breakfast event on the 27th May at the RBS Offices in London, there was significant demand for a follow-up event. We have therefore arranged our next event for the 24th July from 1pm – 5pm, which will be a conference for disabled entrepreneurs.
The aim of the conference is to inspire and motivate people with disabilities to start their own businesses and provide some free practical tips and tools to help them to begin their journey.
We have a line up of distinguished speakers including 2 Paralympian Gold Medallists, Danielle Brown and Dan Pepper, Ben Wolfenden (Winner of the Stelios Award 2014), Seema Flower, one of the UK’s top blind entrepreneurs and Matthew Newbury (successful property developer featured in TV show ‘secret millionaire’). There will also be fantastic opportunity to network with like minded entrepreneurs.
The session will be divided into four sections.
You will hear from successful entrepreneurs including Brad Francis (Founder of BFM Communications) and Shane Bratby (Founder ofwww.DisabledEntrepreneurs.co.uk) who will discuss what inspired them to start their own businesses.
Our guest speaker, Danielle Brown, Double Paralympic gold medallist in Archery and world champion, will speak about what inspired her to start her own business which revolves around motivating others to be able to do their best.
Once you have been inspired to start your own business what do you do next? This session will give you some practical guidelines and tips on how to take your idea to the next level and start to develop it further.
The following topics will be covered:
How to effectively communicate and articulate your idea
How to ‘road test’ your idea
How to find a market for your product
How to value your business idea
How to produce a business plan and become ‘Investor ready’
Specific challenges for entrepreneurs with disabilities
The power of Social Media
Hardeep Rai will provide insights into these topics supported by his team.
You have now started your business and just launched it. You are feeling very enthusiastic and passionate. How do you deal with the difficult moments and the times when you feel dejected and demotivated? Where do you find the inner strength and motivation to keep going on?
You will hear from speakers including Casper Grey, Dan Pepper and Ben Wolfenden. Casper Grey is MD of WAX-RDC and will speak about his daily challenges with running his business.
Dan Pepper is one of the worlds best S14 Paralympic swimming champions who has won multiple gold medals at World and European level.
Ben Wolfenden is founder of Visibilis and won the Stelios Award of £50,000 in 2014. He will speak about how he continues to be motivated as he grows his digital media agency.
This final session will demonstrate how having a successful business can help you to feel empowered and give you choices in your life that you never thought you could have.
Matthew Newbury is a London based property developer and in 2011 was the first person in Britain to be fitted with a bionic leg. In 2012 he took part in Channel 4’s documentary series ‘The Secret Millionaire’.
There will be a number of opportunities to ask questions during the conference together with the opportunity to meet and network with like minded people and other business owners.
We look forward to welcoming you on the day.
Please register for this FREE event and further details will follow shortly.
Keep up to date with our event through our social media pages:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopeinvestment?fref=ts
Twitter: Our event hashtag: #DECONLON2015
If you have any access requirements or special requests in advance of the meeting, please let us know either by email at Hardeep@kaleidoscopeinvestments.com or by contacting us on 07720 242548.
The venue is wheelchair accessible at.
The Royal Bank of Scotland
250 Bishopsgate
EC2M 4RB London
United Kingdom